50 State Golf Challenge

In 2007, while still living in Australia, my wife Cyndi and I thought it would be cool to play golf in every U.S. State. At that point, we didn’t comprehend the logistical and financial implications of this challenge, but we set about it anyway. 14 years later we are up to 45 States!!

In order to track our progress, we developed a data template to feed into an interactive Google map. A printed version showing the States visited and the ones still to go is a great motivator.

Through our golf travels and weekly games, we have played with a significant number of golfers who, when pressed to recall, realize that they had played in far more states than they had thought. Golfers typically have great memories, so when provided with a checklist they are able to determine their tally of states.

If you interested in taking the challenge to play in all 50 States, we would be happy to share hints, tips and recommendations. With your approval, your progress would be shown on this site. Complete the form on the right, you will receive a tracking document as well as a link to the 50 State Challenge Community to share your story and pics on this journey, and you will have a great interactive Google map of your own to share with your family and friends!

Join Us!


Beyond the U.S.

On a larger scale, we have tried to play internationally, where itineraries have permitted. Our list is substantially less impressive, but we remain committed to increasing the scope of our golfing travels.

South Africa
Costa Rica
UAE (Dubai)

Sadly, a trip to Singapore, Indonesia and Hong Kong in April 2020 was cancelled due to Covid -19. But we plan to re-book the trip at the earliest opportunity.